Top tips for every productive writer

Top tips for writers

If you are a writer, you know that it can be difficult sometimes. If you’re trying to get the most out of your writing and become a more effective writer, consider these tips.

Think before you write

Conduct research, think about what you want to say and think before you sit down to write. Productive writers always come up with ideas and decide what they want to write about before they start writing.

Editing is the second stage

Are you one of those people who keep rereading everything a million times? It’s better not to do it. You cannot do both writing and editing at the same time, so it’s just a waste of time. Writing and editing are two different skills. When you write, try to do it as quickly as possible. Come back later and check everything for clarity and grammar. Doing both at the same time will only make you forget about the ideas that appeared in the process of writing. The sooner you write and prepare your first draft, the sooner you can edit the piece. Don’t do both at the same time to maximize the effectiveness of your writing.

Make it a habit

A great solution is to create a habit of writing at least 1000 words per day. Focusing on the habit will help you stay motivated. You need to get used to your writing practice so that your motivation is based on reaching a word count goal.

Remember why you write

If the rule of creating a habit does not work, remind yourself why you are writing. If something happened to you that changed your life and inspired you to write an article, remind yourself of it. If you enjoy writing and expressing yourself, remind yourself that you do it just because you like it.

Capture your inspiration and creativity

You must always be prepared for inspiration that may come at any time of the day. Your best ideas will dazzle you in the most unusual moments, and your job is to capture these flashes of inspiration and write them down to develop later. You can watch a movie or have a conversation when the amazing idea comes. Grab it any way you can to use it later. 

Don’t expect anything

You must free yourself from attachment to what you wrote earlier, and from your expectations of future success. Writing is an intellectual game, and you cannot allow your thoughts to be attached to previous or future results. Your thoughts about what you write and your expectations of writing success will make it more difficult for you to write. Don’t get caught up in ideas about what your creation was or should be. The fewer obstacles you create for yourself, the more you can write.

Set time limits

If you have plenty of time to write and don’t have any restrictions on writing, you can spend an infinite amount of time without doing any work. The best way to be productive is to give yourself a limited amount of time to write as much as possible. For example, set a goal for yourself and try to stick to the limit you’ve set.

Limit distractions

We are human beings and we live in the age of the Internet. You can use your phone, iPad, or laptop to get any information. As you write, many questions will arise. Understandably, you will look for answers to your questions on Google so that you can satisfy your curiosity. It may take lots of time, as it is easy to get distracted. There are internet blocking apps you can use to restrict internet usage while writing.

The right time to write

The right time to write is right now. The thing you have to do to become a productive writer is to overcome excuses, fight internal resistance. The sooner you finish writing today, the less resistance you will have tomorrow.

Choose a place

Some writers swear they have a special place to write. It can be a defined “clean” space in your office with no visible stacks of bills or to-do lists. It could be a cafe or a cozy corner in your home. All that matters is that you enjoy being there and that the location signals your brain that it’s time to start writing.

Some writers insist that the ideal place to write is anywhere. Whether it’s noise, traffic, cell phones, children, or even sirens, you need to shut down – you can’t expect the world to stop because you have something to say. 

So, good luck!

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